Book Review: Radical Candor by Kim Scott

Chapter 1: Build Radically Candid Relationships.

Emotional labour is not just part of the job, it's the key to being a good boss.

"Bringing your whole self to work"

How to be a good boss:

What leaders do?

Leaders guide a team to achieve results;

1. Guidance; 

    This is often called "feedback"

    People dread feedbacks. They forget they need to solicit guidance from others and encourage it between them.

2. Team building; 

    Building a cohesive team means figuring out the right people for the right roles: hiring, firing, promoting.

3. Results; 

    Result is basically the reason a team is being put together.

Encourage staff to tell you when you are wrong, criticize you when necessary. It helps them open up.

Relationships, not power, drives you forward:

Three (3) responsibilities as a manager/leader;

1. To create a culture of guidance (praise and criticism) that will keep everyone moving in the right direction.

2. Understanding what motivates each person on your team well enough to avoid burnout or boredom and keep the team cohesive.

3. To drive results collaboratively.

To do these 3 things, you need strong relationships with the staff.

You strengthen your relationship by learning the best ways to get, give and encourage guidance.

- Your relationship and responsibility reinforce each other positively or negatively, and this dynamic is what drives you forward as a manager/leader or leaves you dead in the water.

Two (2) dimensions that could help build good relationship; 

1. Care personally

2. Tell them when their work isn't good enough and when it is. (Challenge them directly)

- Radical candor is what happens when you put "care personally" and "challenge directly" together.

- Radical candor builds trust and opens the door for the kind of communication that helps you achieve the results you're aiming for.

Be a kickass boss without loosing your humanity...


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